9-10 || Intro & Keynote
George Gann : What You Do Matters! From Native Gardening to Restoration
10:15-11:00 || Session 1
Carly Batts : Full Flip! How to Go from Turf to Triumphantly Native
No grass in an HOA! We're not talking zeroscaping either. Learn how to get rid your yard of turf and create the native garden of your dreams. From start to finish, the good, the bad, and the amazing end results.
Alex Onikso : Identification and Management of Invasive Plants in Natural Areas
Invasive plants can have detrimental impacts in native ecosystems. This presentation will provide the audience with an overview of invasive plant management in natural areas and will discuss how plants are determined to be an invasive species and review the tools land managers have to combat them. Audience members will also be introduced to and taught how to identify common and less common invasive plants in Palm Beach County.
Mindi Ogden : Introduction to South Florida Native Plants
Native plants are the backbone of our ecosystems. Learn the fundamentals of what qualifies a plant as native, why native plants are important, and what resources you can turn to in your native plant journey. Where to see native plants and an overview of how to choose a plant for your yard will also be covered.
Nancy Angermaier : Math in the Garden! Let's Divide and Multiply
An introduction to vegetative propagation to use at home in order to multiply your plants. A variety of types will be highlighted. Some hands-on activities will be available.
Sean Mallee : Native Alternatives to Tropical Exotics
Discover the advantages of incorporating native plants into your landscape instead of relying on tropical exotics. Explore a variety of native options to enhance your garden beyond the usual exotic choices.
11:15-12:00 || Session 2
Teri Jabour : Butterfly Gardening for Everyone
No matter the size or style of your yard (or patio), you can attract and enjoy butterflies. Butterfly gardens are colorful but also provide benefits and connections to our local natural community. This presentation introduces and expands butterfly gardening principles with discussion of the butterfly's life cycle and what specific native plants they need to grow from egg to adult.
Diane Goldberg : Native Edibles & Historical Medicinal Plants
The lecture advises what parts of some native plants can be eaten & what needs to be done to them in order to eat them if necessary. Also, what medicinal properties the plants may have.
Susan Lerner : Good Hedges Make Good Neighbors
In this presentation we will explore a bit of the history of hedges, the purpose of hedges in today's Florida, hedge types and dimensions, and choosing appropriate plants & their care.
Matthew King : Explore Palm Beach County Natural Areas
Learn about Palm Beach County’s Natural Areas Program, which protects over 31,000 acres of conservation lands across 38 sites. Learn how these lands were acquired with the support of the community—including the Florida Native Plant Society—and how they have been restored through invasive species removal, hydrologic improvements, and prescribed fire. Discover how the County is fostering public engagement through guided hikes, trail runs, photography workshops, and more. The talk will also highlight large-scale restoration projects that are revitalizing native habitats and ensuring the long-term health of these treasured landscapes.
Dennis De Zeeuw : Propagation Techniques for the Native Nursery
Learn the tricks of the trade for propagating native plants at scale.
Gardens : Native Garden Tour
Christian 'Crispy' Jansen : Propagation Workshop 1 -Techniques for Native Plants
12:15-1:00 || Session 3 and Lunch A
CJ McCartney : Wildflowers and Pollinators - The Nexus of Sustainable Landscapes
Explore how to design thriving habitats for native wildflowers and pollinators by creating a vibrant landscape that restores biodiversity. It all starts with understanding what nature needs to thrive and then developing those sustainable spaces.
Emily Marois : Container Gardening with Natives
Learn how to elevate your garden with Florida native plants in containers! This program covers plant selection, choosing the right containers and growing media, and essential care tips to create stunning, low-maintenance displays that thrive in any space.
Alex Onisko : The Consequences of South Florida's History with Native Plants
Humans have a long history of moving plants around the world, whether it be for food, medicine, cultural practices, aesthetics, etc. Sometimes this can lead to unintended consequences when these plants find their way into habitats outside of their native range. This presentation will focus on non-native plants that have a history of being used in South Florida landscaping and some of the unintended consequences those practices have lead to.
1:00-1:45 || Session 3 and Lunch B
Kara Krueger : Proper Pruning Practices for Shrubs in the Landscape (Discussion)
When talking landscapes, maintenance should be second only to plant selection. The health of a landscape is contingent on proper maintenance, especially proper pruning. Plant health, flowering, fruiting, form, aesthetics, etc., can be enhanced or hindered by pruning. We will discuss why to prune, best pruning practices, tools, and other considerations when you have your pruners in hand.
Teri Jabour : Native Habitats for Butterflies
Local butterflies have evolved with native plants in South Florida. This presentation demonstrates which native plants butterflies use as caterpillar food (host) plants and adult nectar plants and how to create a diverse native habitat in your yard.
Carly Batts: Simple Fixes - Landscape Design with Natives
Have a lot already invested into your yard? Wanting to get rid of some old plants that are past their prime, get some curb appeal for when you may sell in two years, or don't want to overcommit with a full tear out?
Gardens : Propagation Workshop 2 - Techniques for Native Plants
2:00-2:45 || Session 4
Craig Huegel, PhD : Native Ground Covers for South Florida Landscapes
Monocultures of turfgrass has little ecological value to a home landscape. Homeowners interested in providing habitat value to bees, butterflies and other wildlife can do much more. This talk will discuss alternatives.
Richard Moyroud & Mike Jameson : The Land Selects The Plant- Landscaping Following Native Plant Communities.
Landscaping must follow existing site conditions and include the highest diversity appropriate for the site. Reference: Xeric Landscaping with Florida Native Plants, published in 1991 and available at the talk.
Autumn Kioti Horne: Plants for Birds- Gardening for Flock's Sake
Join Audubon Everglades' Director of Education and Outreach and official Bird Nerd, Autumn Kioti, for a fun talk about native birds, native plants, native bugs, and how we can all work together for a better world, starting at home. No yard required!
Sean Mallee : Native Alternatives to Tropical Exotics
Discover the advantages of incorporating native plants into your landscape instead of relying on tropical exotics. Explore a variety of native options to enhance your garden beyond the usual exotic choices.
Dennis De Zeeuw : Using Organic Soils for Plant Health and Pest Resistance
I will be discussing how landscapers and anyone working with plant material should address nutrient levels / microbial activity in the soil to allow plants to tolerate existing and new conditions. When many plants are installed into the landscape from a container, they typically go through an establishment period. Right plant right place is always important, yet there are tools at our disposal to use during this period in order for the plants (native plants) to become resist the harsh elements of nature.
Kara Krueger : Proper Pruning Practices Workshop
Join a more hands-on pruning workshop outside and in the PBSC nursery. We will talk more about proper pruning practices and demonstrate on plant material for attendees to see up close.
3:00-3:45 || Session 5
Craig Huegel, PhD : Native Plants for Shady Landscapes
While most Floridans understand the value of shade in providing relief from the heat and sun, shade poses challenges to creating an ecologically diverse landscape beneficial to wildlife. This talk will discuss shade and the native plants that tolerate it.
John Roberts : Underutilized Native Trees for South Florida
Native trees are not hard to find in an urban landscape, but this talk will cover many of the underutilized species that deserve recognition, consideration, and above all, further planting outside of natural areas.
Mindi Ogden : Right Plant Right Place
Are you ready to bring home a native plant? Let's walk through how you can identify the growing conditions in your yard, including the soil, habitat, water, light, salt, and space. Resources for finding your growing conditions and matching the right plants will be explained.
Kara Krueger : Working with Homeowners' Associations (HOAs)
Homeowners' Associations can pose a challenge when trying to move towards more Florida native plants in the landscape, whether it is your own landscape or the community's common areas. We will talk about ways to engage the right community leaders, talk about the benefits of incorporating more native plants, and plan an appropriate landscape to meet multiple stakeholder needs.
Christian 'Crispy' Jansen : This or That Workshop - Distinguishing Native and Non-Native Cultivars
Learn about native plant lookalikes and cultivars to distinguish them from true native varieties.
4:00-4:45 || Session 6
CJ McCartney : Wildflowers Blooming Across the Seasons
This presentation focuses on how to create sustainable landscapes with keystone native plants by utilizing seasonal wildflowers. There is a special focus on endangered and threatened wildflowers and why they are essential to creating biodiverse habitats that protect and restore native plant species.
Anne C Cox, PhD : The Scientific Language of Plants
How Scientific Names can help you understand the plants and help you ID them in the field
Emily Marois : Natives for Small Properties
Discover how to incorporate Florida native plants into small yards and gardens. Learn about space-saving design, and plant selection to create a thriving, eco-friendly landscape.
Melissa Smith : Introduction to Biological Control of Weeds in Florida
How we develop and use biological control to sustainably control invasive plants and weeds.
Gardens : Native Garden Tour & Christian 'Crispy' Jansen : Food Forest Tour
The new PBSC Permaculture Food Forest that incorporates many native edible and pollinator plants.